Snowden's Latest Leak: U.S. Hiding Spy Device in Bras (satire)

Snowden's Latest Leak: U.S. Hiding Spy Device in Bras
Edward Snowden seems to be a non-stop fountain of revelations lately, concerning the surveillance tricks the U.S. is up to spying on citizens. The latest revelation is that there are tiny microphones,and cameras hidden in most women's bras sold today, put there by the CIA and FBI in order to gather intimate information that could not be attained any other way. Speaking from his hotel room in HOng Kong, Snowden said:

"Most American women don't realize that their bra contains a micro-size wireless device, hidden in the lining of their bra...and the information of a highly personal nature, is being sent straight back to Washington, the CIA and other governmental groups, who scan it and study it for signs of subversive activity...I even heard talk that they are thinking of putting spy-devices in women's panties as well...for the purpose of catching subversive conversations 'under-cover' so to speak."
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